Welcome to Bean2Brain

Come on in and discover the fascinating world of coffee with us!

Rooted in the Past, Supporting a Better Future

The path to real progress lies in understanding our history, as true evolution is about using the insights and tools of today to address the challenges passed on by yesterday. We don’t seek disruption, but embrace the results of well designed and valuable research.

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The history of coffee

A deep-dive into the world of coffee

Taste the difference!

Choose from a carefully curated, ever-changing set of coffees and explore the best offers available. See for yourself what detail-oriented sourcing, roasting and fresh coffee should taste like!

Customize your roast level, experiment, enjoy, repeat…

* (the shop is not set up yet; in the meantime please email us with your requests)

Get in Touch!

Let's chat about all things coffee and how it can spark your brainpower! Whether you have a question about our mission, looking to learn more about the science of coffee, or just want to say ‘Hi!’ - thank you for reaching out.